Excited to share with all of you one of our last ACE PROPS Industrial Wedding featured on Junebug Weddings! The Scolas, threw a very unique and laid back wedding in Miami. Their love is very unique and their wedding and out-of-the-box experience.
Steph & Bobby have been in love for a decade and you could felt this since the first second. We all lived a very emotional day together with their beloved ones at ACE PROPS Miami. After getting ready moments, together with their photographers, we all witnessed one of the funniest first look ever. Then we lived a very personal and intimate ceremony.
Their Reception was a very laid back dinner combined with the amazing music. The design and production was taken care of The Creative’s Loft Team. This laidback lounge-style cocktail dinner and party, was unique and different to what usually couples envision!
Photography Credits by Fox & Film

Finally, special THANK YOU to all our vendors, for this amazing work done on their day! We can’t get enough with these amazing pictures!