DIY Creative Projects

DIY Colorful Confettis

This is actually a very good DIY project that you can use for several types of events. It works for weddings, kid birthday parties as well as bachelorette parties and bridal showers! You can either buy customized confettis and then place them in cute cones or make them by yourself, while you have fun choosing your favorite …


At The Creative’s Loft Miami, we aim to deliver to our clients a diverse understanding of minimalism, touching on many areas, including branding, design, fashion, graphic, packaging, and event design.

Cookies with Milk Shots in a Baby Shower.

Cookies & Milk

This is a super cool ideas whenever you are organizing baby showers for lovely moms in Miami. Is cute to present and place on your table and come with an original layout. The only thing you need are some “shots” cups, your favorite straws, your kids favorite milk and chocolate chunky chip cookies…(make sure they are chunky).

White Floral Decor DIY Wedding

White Floral Decor DIY Wedding

White Floral Decor DIY Wedding – White, Classic and Delicate. White Floral Decor for our events! They are a must in our weddings and parties. This is a cute inspiration found on Pinterest, super easy to do and we can always customize it based on our clients floral taste. The blog where you can check the whole …

Owner of the creative's loft practicing yoga


Once my mom told me: Is not about being good at something, it’s about being good to yourself Since I heard those few words together in a sentence I realized what was my goal in life. I needed to define which were my life goals and what made me happy. Some weeks ago, I realized …